Thursday 18 August 2016



Distinguished ladies and gentlemen, today is a remarkable day, because it goes further to show our commitment as a government, to ensure probity, accountability and transparency in the act governance.
It will be recalled that since assumption of office, the APC Rescue Government in the State under my leadership, has not failed to repeatedly reiterate our desire to ensure that the past administration, is made to give public account of its stewardship in the State.

This became a necessity, which out of duty and a good conscience we cannot afford to ignore, given the magnitude of information at our disposal; beginning from the submission of the transition committee headed by the Deputy Governor, Prof. Sonni Gwanle Tyoden and the various ministerial verification committees, as well the preliminary audit and accounts reconciliation committee information before government, which revealed huge debts inherited from the last administration. This past one year facts are daily denied, twisted and distorted; This is indeed worrisome. It is the belief of my administration that only after facts are publicly obtained and tested, will the truth be brought to bear on the issues agitating the minds of Patriotic Plateau People, hence the new line of action.

Further to this is the fact that our citizens, acting on the strength of the mandate given to us, have repeatedly called out for a review of the activities of the past administration, on the strength of what we have placed in public domain, in our bid to get our people understand the level of challenges we are confronted with. As a responsible government, we cannot afford to ignore this deafening call, which for all intent and purpose are justified.
I must state, like I have done in my several addresses to the State, that what seemed a delayed action concerning the constitution of a Commission of Inquiry, is certainly not a delay, but a deliberate line of action which takes cognisance of the fact that investigations by Anti – Graft Agencies are process driven, and that the bureaucratic compilation of government documents and facts that will be pleaded before any Judicial Commission, must follow the process of law, in line with whatever legal relationship that Government would have entered into with any Person, Group, Institution or Agency of Government.
Having done this, we are now set to begin a process that would allow every Plateau person, the opportunity to objectively assess how the commonwealth of our State and the affairs of Government were administered.
Make no mistake, our desire to right wrongs and improve on the state of Governance, is a function of our review of the past, assessment of the present, and a plan for the future. We are sure that the combination of hindsight, insight and foresight will take us to our destination.
I must state unequivocally that the constitution of this Commission of Inquiry, is certainly not for persecution but for us to set a solid foundation for the pursuit of that which will guarantee the prosperity of our people. It is also not a witch-hunt but a hunt for that which has probably been hidden from our citizens.
Corruption in all its ramification stagnates and in fact retards development; every leader worthy of the people’s mandate is therefore under the compulsion of duty and conscience to ensure that it is checked, this is one of our modest attempt in ensuring this.
I dare to say like Thomas Paine, that Public Trust ought to be held with the most scrupulous conscientiousness of honour; this is why today, through this public declaration of purpose, I have inaugurated this Judicial Commission of Inquiry, which on the one hand, will look into the activities of the past administration, while on the other hand, it will also serve as a caution sign and clarion call to political office holders and civil servants as well, to know that we will at the end of our term be called upon to also give account of our stewardship; and by the same parameter with which we assess others, we also are setting the parameter upon which we will be assessed. This is the conviction and consciousness with which this commission has been inaugurated.
May I assure the citizens of Plateau State that the members of this commission have been carefully chosen; their credentials have proven them worthy, having been adjudged worthy in character, cognate experience and soundness of mind, to carry out this commission. The Chairman, being a Justice of the Court of Appeal, understands the practice, application and interpretation of law; this I am sure he will lavishly bring to bear in the administration of the Commission, to guarantee the successful execution of the terms of reference. Other members of this Commission have earned their place by all standard and measure.  I want to sincerely thank you all for accepting this responsibility.
I implore you in the execution of the responsibility before you not to allow the tyranny of circumstances, and unsolicited cacophony of public commentary, which seems to traditionally suggest that the past be over looked, to limit you in performing to the letter the task before you. If we must get it right and we must be determined to get it right, and like David Viscolt said “if you get the courage to begin, you have the courage to succeed”
Together with you, we have summoned enough courage to begin and Plateau is looking up to us. As we meritoriously deliver on this assignment, we will be taking our place in history, and our service will no doubt stand to our eternal credit.
It is on this note that I as the Executive Governor, invoking the provision of Section 2, of the Commissions of Inquiry Law Cap 25 of the Laws of Northern Nigeria 1963 which enables me to establish and constitute, to ascertain or establish facts, bringing truth to bear on matters of public concern and interest, that I have on this 8th day of August 2016, executed an Instrument whereby I established and constituted a six-man Judicial Commission of Inquiry made up of the following;
a.       Justice Stephen Adah JCA      -      Chairman
b.      Prof. Mrs. Bibiana Bawa          -      Member
c.       Barr. Aliyu Sangei                 -      Member
d.      Prof. Ekoja B. Ekoja               -      Member
e.       Engr. Simon Onu Agamah      -      Member
f.       Alhaji Sani Yahaya Mavo is to serve as Secretary to the Commission.

The Terms of Reference given to the Commission are:
1.      To ascertain all financial transactions, done or entered into by the Government of Plateau State of Nigeria or through any of its Ministries, Departments, and Agencies (MDAs), Parastatals, Institutions or officials, acting in its name from the 29th day of May 2007 to 29th May 2015.
2.      To ascertain and establish all financial allocations, funds, grants or monetary interventions and revenues which accrued to or in the name of the Government of Plateau State of Nigeria directly or through any of its Ministries, Departments, Agencies (MDAs), Parastatals, Institutions, Officials or Agents from the Federal Government of Nigeria or any International Institutions or Donor Agencies from 29th May 2007 to 29th May 2015.
3.      To ascertain and establish all loans granted to or obtained by the Government of Plateau State of Nigeria directly or through any of its Ministries, Departments, Agencies (MDAs), Parastatals, Institutions, Officials or Agents from any public institution(s), organization(s) or individual(s) from 29th May 2007 to 29th May 2015, and the purpose for which such loans were obtained and      whether the loans were used for such purpose.
4.      To ascertain whether any property (corporeal or incorporeal) belonging to the Government of Plateau State or any of its Ministries, Departments, Agencies (MDAs), Parastatals and Institutions were sold or in any way concessioned to any person(s), institution(s), government official or agency by any Government Ministry, Department, Agency (MDAS), Institutions or officials between 29th May 2007 and 29th May 2015, the process or procedure followed to carry out the sale or concession and whether the proceeds of such sale or concession were paid into appropriate Government coffers.
5.      To ascertain whether any property or properties (corporeal and incorporeal) were purchased or acquired for or in the name and/or on behalf of the Government of Plateau State or any of its Ministries, Departments, Agencies (MDAs), Parastatals or Institutions between 29th May 2007 and 29th May 2015, the process or procedure followed to carry out such purchase or acquisition and to trace and obtain all documents relating to such transactions as well as establish their values and locations.
6.      To ascertain
i.                    all contracts awarded by the Government of Plateau State or any of its Ministries, Departments, Agencies (MDAs), Parastatals or Officials between 29th May 2007 and 29th May 2015, the process or procedure followed in the award of such contracts, the value of each contract (including any variations and whether such variations were necessary and done in good faith), the level of execution or completion of each of them and the amount paid to the contractor as at 29th May 2015.
ii.                  If any contract was awarded at an inflated cost and to determine what should have been the actual cost of the contract.
iii.                If any contract has been abandoned, the amount paid for any such abandoned contract, and the amount required to complete the contract.
iv.                If payments made to any contractor were in keeping with the pace of work on the project and if not, to ascertain the difference.
v.                  If the contract was executed in accordance with its tenor.
7.      To ascertain
        i.            The total amount paid by the Government of Plateau State as salaries and allowances of serving and retired State Civil Servants, Local Government Employees and Political Appointees from 29th May 2007 to 29th May 2015;
      ii.            Whether any person or employee of Government or any of its Ministries, Departments, Agencies (MDAs), Parastatals, or Institutions received multiple payments or salaries or pensions, and the role played by any person(s) toward such payments; and
    iii.            The total difference in terms of figures between the actual payments made in the name of salaries or pensions and what should have been paid by Government for that purpose.
The Commission has three months from the date of its inauguration within which to submit its report or within such period as is extended by me depending on the circumstances.  
I am confident that members of the Commission will find sufficient grace, wisdom and strength to deliver on this task. With the prayers of the people of Plateau, I am sure this assignment will be done to the glory of God and the benefit of humanity
Thank you and God bless Plateau State.

Rt. Hon. Simon Bako Lalong
Executive Governor

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