Tuesday 30 August 2016


I remember him always. My desire to share with you this piece, my esteemed reader and friend; is borne out of respect, honour, care, love for him, in addition to my understanding and belief that there could be something to learn, benefit, gather, or add to your knowledge and experience from the lines you are about to read. I PRESENT TO YOU, THE:


Nobody needs to be told how hard it shook my family, to wake up to the news that we have recorded another death, within 3 months.

Not a very sweet experience. As a matter of fact, it is depressing and agonizing. It was really a devastating moment, for us in the family. May be it is for the same reason, that the faces steering at me in this gathering speaks volume, yet says nothing.

The faces, on a very close observation seem to be asking:
·        What could have gone wrong?
·        What is possibly the cause?
·        Why now?

There are other reactions in the faces am seeing now that I cannot decode, interpret, or comprehend. I then ask: Do you think this is one death too many?

The news of Elendu’s death, once again reminded me of the inevitability of death. Indeed it reminds me of that fundamental assignment, that naturally as citizens of this planet earth, we are all destined to perform.

The reaction of relations, friends, in-laws, well-wishers, and others, numerous to mention, left me wondering, if people really know the inescapable termination of life, referred to as death. At a point, I was prompted to think that many people are oblivious of death. At other times, I had the feeling that emotion, indeed took control of them that called. I say this with every sense of responsibility, respect and regard to all the people that showed love through their calls and other forms of emotional outburst.

Notwithstanding anything contrary that anybody might say, I have come to terms with my conclusion “that emotion took the better side of the people”. I belief this position of mine, is a fair representation of the reaction of the people to the situation at that time, and of a truth a common reaction to matters of death, especially in my part of the World (Igbo land).

We are so engrossed in our attachment to each other, especially, the loved ones, that, we sometimes think and behave as if death belong to people from other planets. I hope I am not alone in this line of thinking and that I won’t be misunderstood or misrepresented.

I am concerned that many people get worried each time there is a reduction in the material wealth of MAN, (Building, vehicle, cloth etc, of course not End of Thinking Capacity); but are indifferent when there is a reduction in MAN’s life span, which surprisingly, is celebrated, simply because people found a name for it; BIRTHDAY. In my thinking, each birthday is a reminder that MAN’s life, I mean MAN;s existence on earth has reduced, at least by one year.

From time to time, people prepare time table or programme of activities that represent, things that are so dear to them. One remarkable item that is constantly missing from such list is the preparation for the very big event of life “Death”.

Many of us: Men and Women, Young and Old, literate and illiterate, are engrossed with matters of temporal nature that we neglect the higher things of life; the spiritual.

I wish to remind us that “death is God’s last gift to the living”. Of a truth “the first breath is the beginning of death”, yet we get shattered each time it strikes. We deceive ourselves when we say time is going. In actual sense time does not go, we go!

I wouldn’t have bothered you with this sermon, but for the fact that the fallen hero, Okengwu Nnabugwu Elendu Chinyere (Ngbo-gboo), whose burial we have gathered for, stood for the ideals I tried to capture above.

I have not forgotten the simple assignment, I am called upon to perform: the funeral oration, of my late idol. I have also not forgotten the knowledge in his head, the Wisdom in his mind, the worth of his character, and the principles upon which he built his life: The things that define him.

Elendu was bold, courageous, kind hearted and charming. He stood for what he believed in, truth. He was full of life, walked as if there was a spring on his feet, always smiling, but converses very little. He was someone, anyone and everyone was and/or would be proud to have as a son, brother, uncle, husband, cousin, in-law, student, teacher and friend. 

Like most responsible people, Elendu was consumed with his work as a dedicated staff, when he worked with the Union Bank. It was with the same spirit he approached his work when he got employed at the Cabinet Office of the President, before the switch to Union Bank. After many years of meritorious service with the Bank he voluntarily, withdrew his service.

His desire to contribute to Human Development informed his decision to leave the banking industry. With his exit from the banking sector, he pitched tent with the “Ifeanyichukwu International Academy (Primary and Secondary)” Aba. He served, as the School Principal. As many would testify, he found fulfilment in the job, and discharged his duties with commitment, dedication and precision.

A trail blazer, a combination of compassion, sophistication and good cheer, late Mr Reuben Okengwu Nnabugwu was the father. His mother is Mrs. Asije Iheomakaliwu Okengwu Nnabugwu, a devoted Christian and loving mother. Their years of teaching helped to refine and mould Elendu. Their integrity, sense of purpose and commitment to all good works, especially on matters of the Almighty, gave him bearing and focus in life, and propelled him to become a charming friend of all.

He was born 50 years ago and breathed his last on the 1st June, 2011.

Elendu, hails from Ndiagwala, Echiele, Otampa in Isuikwuato LGA of Abia State. He was married to Mrs Nnabugwu Chinwe. They had 5 children: 2 girls and 3 boys. The Children are Chinyere, Amarachi, Chukwuemeka, Chizitere and Destiny.

What we have heard is a brief about the Man, Elendu, for whom we have gathered to give the last respect. As we inter him today, into the planet earth, may we remember and always respect his ideals, which he valued and canvassed so much, during his tenancy here on Earth. May his Soul rest in Peace, in the bosom, of our Lord and Saviour, Jesus Christ. Amen!

Nnabugwu Chizoba
For the family

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