Thursday 14 July 2016


By Nnabugwu Chizoba

Many Commentators on the Nigerian socio-economic condition has written severally, that unemployment in the country is alarming. They have also identified it as a source of very serious concern, apprehension and worry.

According to the commentators, unemployment, especially, of the youths, is one of the many pressing challenges facing the Nigerian Nation, presently.

The ripple effects of unemployment, include, but not limited to the rising number of poverty stricken men and women, incessant hostilities, violent crimes, threat to national unity and peaceful co-existence, in addition to lack of respect for law and order. These unfortunate, destructive tendencies occur at both the rural and urban centers of the Country. As a matter of fact, they occur at very regular rate.

The youths are very important stakeholders, in any economy. They are considered as the future of any nation, having been strategically situated, as highly dependable resource, for nation building, stability and sustainable development. 

An indication of a consensus and understanding by analysts and commentators, of Nigerian economy as to what is instrumental to the growing rate of unemployment in the country is in the observation that tertiary institutions in the country turn out students in thousands annually, while the labour market absorbs only a very small chunk of the number. Another factor that has been identified is the fact that most of the youths lack basic life skills and survival instincts and mannerisms.

Other people have equally identified another factor responsible to the spate of unemployment, in the country, as excessive love or obsession for suit and tie, while parading and showcasing self as employees in government Ministries, Departments and Agencies (MDAs). The reason, being that, most people grew up with little or no regard or consideration for self-employment or own business. The analysts, in this line of thinking, perceive the youths, as the course of their own problem, citing the inability, especially of the graduates, to take the advantage that the opportunities in the environment are throwing up day in day out, to refocus and reshape their lives for the better.

This is the view of a young Nigerian undergraduate, by name, Anuonye Felicity, who said “the youths, particularly the graduates and the undergraduates of today, have refused to face the realities of life. This has made it difficult for most of them to rise up and do something meaningful with their lives”. 

Many people indeed, will view it a heartwarming development, hearing the words of Anuonye Felicity, a hardworking, and intelligent lady, who has seen the truth and reality in embracing the advice of economic commentators, that exploring the opportunities in the private sector is a lucrative means of not only being useful to self but equally a means of defining and redefining self and fighting unemployment as well. 

Anuonye said “Considering that Nigeria is a country with very large population and abundant natural resources, there is diverse opportunities in the economy. It takes determination, ingenuity and of course the willingness of an individual to look into an area that many people are not focusing or are not willing to go into, or even the areas that people are already into and of a truth, draw out workable programmes for each day, and then striving to accomplish self-imposed mandates of realizing worthwhile goals”.

According to a lecturer in her department, Mr. Ibebuogu, Chinwe C. who apart from teaching computer related courses, is also one of the renowned entrepreneurship lecturers, who bared his mind about her, saying “From every indication, Anuonye, is one of those very few Nigerian youths, who is not only bold enough, to embrace the challenges that come from investing in own business, but also desirous of contributing significantly, towards poverty reduction in the land”.

Who is Anuonye, you may ask? She is one of those few Nigerian youths, who is able to combine academic pursuit, in the University and the business of farming. She is a hardworking, intelligent and very confident lady, with eyes set on creating a mark, and living something of substance, to posterity. 

Anuonye Felicity Ogochukwu, is a “Nagropreneur” (Nigerian-agro-entrepreneur) harnessing her skills in Poultry Farming, which she openly confessed is beneficial, highly lucrative and rewarding. She said “Apart from enjoying what I am doing, it is also very beneficial, highly lucrative and rewarding”.

She is a smooth talker and a very interesting personality to chart with. This is not surprising, considering that she is in the University, where she is presently a final year student, in the Computer Department of Imo State University, Owerri. She hails from Ikeduru Local Government Area, Imo State.

Speaking with her was not only engaging but informative, inspiring and educative.
Some excerpts from discussion with her:

“My name is Asuonye Felicity Ogocuhukwu, a final year student of Imo State University, Owerri. I am studying Computer Science. I am also a farmer, livestock, to be precise, Chicken. I have a poultry farm, which by the grace of God is expanding and improving with each day that passes”.

“I started because I have love for livestock and I am indeed, very grateful to God that what started like a joke has turned into commercial venture”.
I have started infecting my friends, with my type of ideas, and also happy that I am making impact, since I have already, won 3 of my friends over, and they too are doing well, while others will soon come on board”. 

“I have always maintained that you don’t wait or go about looking for non-existing job, when you can transform your passion into money earning venture”.

“I quite agree that doing this comes with many challenges, but the fun and eventual success that come from the efforts, as a matter of fact, far out ways the initial pains and even those that come after them. 

“Truth is, those challenges and difficulties one encounters, help you to develop you, and ensure that you mature very quickly, sometimes on daily basis. Instead of me seeing them as difficulties, I prefer to refer them, as the push that takes you to your destination”.

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