Wednesday 15 June 2016


By Nnabugwu Chizoba

Rt. Hon. Gagdi, Deputy Speaker PLHA
As the first Legislative 365 days of the 2015/2016 legislative session, has come and counted in the country, the need for stock taking has dragged most representatives back home to give account of their stewardship. But for Rt. Hon. Yusuf Gagdi, it was rather a time to interact with the media to fine tune the way forward for the new Legislative second year, as he has continued to be around his people, “the good people of Kantana Constituency.

In his recent interaction with media practitioners in Plateau State in his office at the Plateau State House of Assembly complex, Rt. Hon Gagdi has disclosed that:

“As a Deputy Speaker and a member representing my constituency, I have been trying my best to do better than I was doing, when I was not a representative of my people. As an ordinary citizen of my Community, I was able to sponsor students from my constituency into the university, polytechnic, and collages of education. If as an ordinary citizen in kanam LGA, I was able to donate 17 cars, and 63 motor cycles; today as a member of the State Assembly, the people certainly expect that I should do more. This is one of the areas I have tried my possible best to put a line between what I used to do then and now as a legislator. It is a very big challenge”.

As stated already, in an earlier paragraph, the above, are the words of Rt. Hon Yusuf Gagdi, the Deputy Speaker and member representing Kantana Constituency, at the Plateau State House of Assembly that comprises Kanam Local government area, the LGA of the Rt. Hon. Yusuf Gagdi, the Deputy Speaker of the Plateau State House of Assembly.
Rt. Hon. Yusuf Gagdi, disclosed this during an interaction with a section of the media in his office, at the Plateau State House of Assembly, complex in Jos.

He used the opportunity presented by the media interaction, to express his displeasure over the poor state of infrastructure and basic social amenities in his constituency, saying “it is lamentable to note that I came from a constituency where there is no single pole in the name of rural electrification, no single half kilometer tarred road and other basic facilities”.

However, as a man not given to complain and bemoaning of situations, a passionate and committed community member and a representative of his people, Rt. Hon. Yusuf Gagdi said, “though the people are still backward when compared to other parts of the state, the people and myself are working very hard to give the push needed towards the desired development of the Constituency”.

As a clear indication of his commitment and desire to give the constituency a face lift, Rt. Hon. Gagdi, Dep. Speaker, Plateau State House of Assembly, has embarked on the construction of 3 markets, to boost the economic activities in Kantana constituency, which he presently represents at the Plateau State House of Assembly.

This personal gesture of Rt. Hon. Gagdi to his people is in tandem with the call in many quarters that political office holders and other individuals at various levels of leadership in the country should work assiduously towards providing avenues for the people to learn how to fish than giving them fish.
Rt. Hon. Yusuf Gagdi, responding to questions by Journalists
The markets built by Rt. Hon. Gagdi, is significant in many ways, especially when you consider that it will serve as a produce market, bearing in mind the agrarian nature of the constituency. It is important to note that most of the products which includes domesticated animals, such as livestock, poultry and fowls sold at the market are grown locally.

Taking into consideration, the fact that majority of the processed foods that will come from Kantana constituency in the future, may comprise largely of local content, as a result of a well developed market, a condition that also applies to crafted items of the people of the constituency, greater insight into the huge benefits of the market constructed by Rt. Hon. Gagdi, will begin to emerge.

Come to think of it, for every Naira spent locally in the community through the attraction of buyers and more farmers from other areas, a large chunk of it is likely to be reinvested locally into the constituency.

Investigation conducted by our reporter on the benefits of such markets, to a community reveals that, markets such as the one built by Rt. Hon. Gagdi, in his constituency, provides linkage opportunities between the constituency, the citizens and other people from the city or urban centers. 

Similarly, the markets will create tremendous opportunities for locals to mingle and gravitate at the local market because of the daily and sometimes weekly opportunities to enjoy a community gathering, to buy fresh and local foods.

Realizing the importance of the traditional institution towards the success of his efforts and also to ensure that his people fully maximize the benefits of the 3 markets constructed by him in his locality, Rt. Hon. Gagdi, interestingly, also embarked on another project, aimed at repositioning, enhancing and making the traditional institution in his community and constituency  to feel much more involved, belonged, accepted and indeed honoured by reconstructing the Palace of the paramount ruler of his community.

Rt. Hon. Gagdi, during the media interaction, in his office, at the assembly complex, said, “I have reconstructed the Palace of the paramount ruler, of my community, a first class Chief; a project that cost more than N7 million Naira to accomplish.

The Kantana constituency, which Rt. Hon. Gagdi, presently represents at the Plateau State House of Assembly, is enjoined by their representative to team up with him to ensure the realization of his dream for his people, who he spoke about passionately all through the media interaction, saying “I know my constituents are less educated, despite that I am proud of my people. Even if you ask me to introduce myself ten times at the floor of the house, I will continue to say that I am the Man that represents the most rural people in the State”.

Of note, according to those, our reporter spoke to on the strides of Rt. Hon. Gagdi, and equally the importance of his investment to his constituency, is the fact that, when rural farmers are successful, it not only demonstrates to the youths, but also presents a viable option and a sustainable lifestyle, in that it strengthens the capacity of communities to create in essence, locally based, rural economies, not only for the constituency, but the state and the nation in general.

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