Thursday 19 May 2016



By Blessing Uche Ekeh

As a teenager, I was so much in love with foreign music, no matter the type - song, rap, R&B, country and the likes, I cared less. As for the lyrics, as long as the rhythm sounds cool, it’s good to go. 

To keep track of new releases, ensure easy reference, quick retrieval and regular updating, I had a book where I wrote latest songs. And to ensure there is no lagging behind, I repeatedly, borrowed music magazines from friends, neignbours and in some cases, strangers; and more often than not, wish they donate same, as their contribution to nurture my interest. 

I had compilation of what was considered my best musicians, maintained excellent record of things that involve them. I did not only relate and admired things about them, but promoted them. By every standard, I wanted to speak, act and dress like them.

To attract my attention, brighten my mood, sway my feelings and in most cases win my support, in those days, all you need do, was demonstrate your likeness for any of the musicians that tickled my fancy. If anybody speaks, acts or dresses like them, he/she instantly wins my favour, rekindles my interest and establishes a closer link with me. And, importantly, those that provided latest information about my best musicians, left indelible mark in my heart.

As I grew older, I began to care more about the meaning that each musician makes and conveys, starting with my best musicians, of course. My mentality about music and musicians began to change. This occurred when, it became very obvious and equally glaring too, that my interest, which previously centered on nothingness, had to be adjusted to align to a new direction, a fresh approach and a determinant to what motivates me, what fires my interest and in a way, who and what really contribute meaningfully, to my life. Something very novel, enduringly enriching and exceedingly transformational has started in my life. 

A turning point, in my relationship with music and musicians had begun. This new phase in my life, demanded unconditionally that, I must pay rapt attention and care seriously, the more, about the wordings of every music. It required, inadvertently that I grasp, hear, analyze, interpret, relate, and clearly understand the wordings of any music, know the intention and purpose of the music, the target or who it is directed to, and whenever necessary, conduct a research with the aim of finding more information about the artist; before he/she is included in my new compilation of best music and musicians. Need I tell you that most of the people in my old list did not make it to the new list? 

I can confirm to you here that my grappling with the above process, produced a new list, defined and set a standard that determines my attachment to any music or musician, to date. 

My interest and passion for music did not and has not changed but the determinant, foundation and concentration of my interest was and is still clearer. Indeed my life is the best for it. I have been positively influenced and passionately transformed. 

Unlike the past, where anything goes, this approach brought a direction, and also signaled the steps to its accomplishment. And when I tested the outcome, it was remarkably beneficial. As a matter of fact, my life was set for exploits. 

To say the least, this approach is, development driven. It is in tandem with success principles of laying a structure and establishing a working process that defines and clarifies thought and aligns decisions, actions and procedures to ensure that goals and objectives fall in line with broader vision and perspective, instead of dangling like a pendulum. 

My message therefore, especially, to the teenagers and youths is quite simple: What you are passionate of, value, embrace and follow as a teenager, or youth, is mostly a function of exuberance. 

The earlier you understand it, the better for you. What this clearly indicates, is that your values, passion and vision of life as a teenager or youth, needs to be checked to determine what really is the driving force. 

As you grow older and wiser, it is expected that you constantly review your passion, interest, desire and goals, to ensure they are regularly in tune with new challenges and developments around you.

For my co-music lovers, most videos and lyrics of modern day music, are not what you think they are. They might be influencing you and large chunk of the youths negatively. I urge you to do as I did. When you eventually do, you may find out like me, something very fundamental, capable of turning around your life for improved performance and enduring impact.

Any keen observer of the music industry, especially, the modern music; though not limited to them, knows that there is more than meets the eyes. There is more of disappointment, worry, sorrow and pain, than what gladdens the heart.

My assertion derives from different revelations, including, a documentary on music, where many songs were analyzed. The video is not only reveling, informative, mind blowing and expository, but indeed emancipating, transforming and lifesaving.

Just by changing what drives my interest and passion, my entire life became transformed!

That you may be guided!

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