Thursday 11 February 2016


By Nnabugwu Chizoba

An essential ingredient of success is to "attack from the inside". This makes a whole lot of sense considering the overbearing weight of self on the individual carrier, the self. There is no contesting the fact that almost everybody on the surface of the earth have dreams and equally admire those who have made it big in private practice: be it in the industry or through professionalism.

To attack from the inside implies self-mastery and discipline backed up with the ability to identify, separate and overcome impulsive urge in favour of and in pursuit of compulsive instincts. It entails the creation of an enabling structure, necessary to realize personal dreams and goals.

It is the desire of many people to tail their dream and achieve them, running things their own way. 

Running things one’s own way, simply means, doing your own thing and doing it in your own terms.  There is no doubt that this is where the attraction is for many people.
Doing your own thing and doing it in your own terms; as used in this write-up, essentially refers to conducting business/commercial transactions legally, which does not necessarily have to be formalized, but does not exclude it. 

This reminds me of the attention, notice, consideration and interest that has been generated as a result of increasing desire of people to engage in personal pursuit of dreams and goals. Variety of influences and happenings that occur at different levels of the society have contributed to the increasing “desire or urge” for self-employment. The different levels are social, cultural and economic.

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Those that attack from the inside, are constantly desirous of pushing their interest beyond desire. They are driven by an inner pressure that seeks to identify, incubate and activate a new process. A process more often than not, ensures that things are done not just differently but in an improved and most rewarding or lucrative manner.

This category of individuals are spurred by their talents which they have taken time to develop as formidable skills, and are ready to deploy; for the creation and subsequent production of something they can refer to as their own introduction into the market. 

Their belief and desire to run things are habitual and equally very strong. This is true whether they are in or out of paid job or employment.  They are always very distinctive even in assuming responsibilities. This is because they are hunted by unquenchable need for self-expression through innovative products and services. 

Due to their constant search for new meaning; signs of impatience and discontent are often noticed. More often than not, this situation forces them out of paid job or deter some of them from even accepting any.

For many others, who settle for “external attack”, in their desire to run things, they easily demonstrate strong affinity to the falls of the office or position. Their desire to run things is greatly ignited by the fact that by doing so they command the authority to initiate, plan, execute, evaluate and adjust, at their own whims and caprices, of course, without external influence or interference. 

Ultimately, they are more than comfortable and even settled with the simple fact that they possess the power to control, direct and enforce policies as they deem fit and necessary. To them self-employment provides the opportunity to occupy a position that grants them the authority to issue orders, demand compliance and equally determine the consequences of none compliance. To them running things means power to reward and to punish and how effective one is at deploying them.  

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When this category of individuals, remembers that the responsibility of running own things also entail effective and timely service delivery, quality performance, steady production at increasing rate, but without the security of salary, they often shiver and develop cool feet that most time causes them to relapse, thereby frustrating and abandoning their so cherished desire of running own business. 

However, since to this category of people, running things their own way and in their own terms provides the opportunity to take decisions about what, when, where, who and how; they hang on for very lengthy periods either as unemployed people or as very unhappy individuals in an employed job. More often than not they live from hand to mouth as unemployed people or where they are employed they live each month wondering why there are so many months left at the end of the money, and hoping that one day they will rise to the top and assume the responsibility that will give them the opportunity to enjoy their so much desired state. 

Because of fear that arises from the inability to attack from the inside, in addition to the realization that managing self to get to where they want, which is a key component for a fulfilled and rewarding life, is not easy, they detest or resist self-employment.
In reality, being your own boss literally means, motivating, inspiring, and preparing yourself to function at your peak as you ride the emotional roller coaster of being that which you and many people desire to be “own boss”. 

In conclusion, let me remind you that the unhappy faces, negative attitudes, and resentments that are witnessed in the workplace and at different spots around the street corners tell many stories, as well as re-enforce the fact that most of the people you see, desire to be on their own but definitely are at the wrong places.

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