Saturday 2 January 2016


If you’re the blaming type, you’ll condemn me simply by reading the headline of this report. To do this will amount to, abortion before pregnancy. A condition that is very strange and equally worrisome. The reason for saying this, is not far-fetched. It is wrong to treat issues, without getting and considering the details. The consequences of such, are too many. We see them, day in, day out. As a matter of fact, the society, is being torn asunder by violent clashes and differences arising from such. I therefore appeal, for a change.  

My report is lucid and revealing also. I consider the situation and all that were connected to it, only comparable to the time, place and other events that surround the circumstances of the birth of a person, which are matters he/she has nothing to do or say to influence. Please, give rapt attention to this report. The timing is apt.

It started like a joke, but turned out to be real. Because of the manner it began, I had no time to inform anyone, including my friends, until now. Before I go further, let me quickly and sincerely, convey to my friends, that my lovely children, and their mother, have been sacrificially supportive, unconditionally-caring; and unimaginably-devoted and grateful to all of them.

Contrary to what anybody might say, concerning the way, my journey was embarked on; without informing anybody, my simple response is, you too would have done the same. If you wonder, why I am sounding this way, it is because, I have discovered, that, there is no organized approach to my type of journey. In case you’re yet to understand what I mean, just hang on, the next few lines of my report, may be very useful, please. If in the next few lines also, you realize how much you have wronged me, by your unjust conclusions, sincere apology only, will do the magic. I know very well that apology rendered in good faith, and from a contrite heart, is a mark of greatness, not weakness.
At a point, my life became complicated and almost brought to a halt. I found myself faced, with acute economic crisis, in the Land, where there is abundant human and material resources, where the forces of nature, have graciously deposited in excess all manners of natural resources. I saw the galloping growth of poverty, and unemployment spreading like harmattan fire, to all spheres and professions. Before my very eyes, fresh graduates, came out of school to join those that graduated before them, who where living from hand to mouth, month to month, without hope of finding any meaningful work.

The above gave rise to a very awkward situation, where, many months were left at the end of the money. Worried by these, in addition to a suffocating epileptic power supply, very erratic network connections, stifling fuel scarcity, high rate of child/maternal deaths, and other unpalatable conditions, with the only reliable companion being that inner voice, that says, calm down, it shall be well, the other partner of mine was confusion and fear.

All of a sudden, it happened. Calls from loved ones started coming. They advised me to leave the country before I die. After some resistance, due largely to lack of resources, I succumbed to the voice of reason, more so there were promises of assistance, from them.

With this development, I took necessary steps to actualize the plan. I reached out to those relations and friends, fortunately, the responses, were still encouraging and ladled with assurances and determination to assist. One of them, a close relation, has never failed anyone, he promised. For this reason, I went about my activities with confidence.

One day, I was invited for a discussion in a cozy and very luxurious cuisine. The outcome of that discussion, tallied with the wonderful environment. My heart was really gladdened. I was assured that I will be embarking on the journey any moment. One week after, I was issued a visa. The voice said “You will be moving almost immediately. All expenses have been paid, with hotel reservation”.  I didn’t have time to discuss with friends before I took off.

On arrival, I alighted and checked into the hotel. In the morning, there was a knock on my door. When I woke up, I found myself in January 1, 2016. I have been dreaming…

HAPPY NEW YEAR, friends.

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