Friday 18 December 2015


I deem it necessary to continue my writing on this topic with a story, I once read, but that appeals to me so much. I guess because of what I considers the impact it carries.

The story is about the trial of a man charged with biting off another Man’s finger in a fight. In the trial that ensued from the fight, an eye witness to the fight was invited to the court, as a witness. The event below was the outcome of the interrogation:

Defense Attorney: Did you actually see my client bite off the finger?

Eyewitness: Well, no, I didn’t.

Defense attorney: “Aha!” with a smug smile. “How then can you claim he bit off the man’s finger?

Eyewitness: “Well”, “I saw him spit it out.”

When I read the story, my impression was “painful truths that must not be said”.

Collective indulgence; unconsciously, by the society to institutionalize, encourage and promote amorous behaviours; using the School system as the laboratory and the young African maidens and boys, as the genuine pigs, carries along with it a moral burden. We shall leave discussion of moral burden for another day.

If you are still wondering why in the present day, there is conscious showcasing, advertising, and exhibition in an unguided and provocative manner, the naturally endowed wealth of the maidens, you need to think twice. Like the story,  the society can claim of not seeing the biting off of the finger, is it also possible for the same society to claim of not seeing the spitting out of the finger. There is no denying the fact, that the African society played very active role, in ensuring that nudity and the like are celebrated part of the African society today. You can play, the saint among the devils that is entirely up to you. But I must remind you that it is absolutely very difficult to be more catholic than the Pope.

For those who do not believe in bemoaning or complaining about situations, but in knowing why things happen, so they can take decisive steps, towards reversing unwanted trends, I can assure you that the starting point for your search, begins with “questioning” the introduction of sex education, at the early stage, in the development of the child. Without mincing words, I make bold to say “sex education is the root cause of indecent dressing, indecent exposure, nudity, strip-dance and other acts of sexual immorality”.

I don’t have any qualms if you contest the names used to represent the shameful acts. I have seen similarity in the names used by people to represent sexual relationships. The angry ones use the name, prostitution, especially by those whose proposals to enter into the act with the operators fail.
For those unable to match the sexual appetite of these maidens; they call them “Flirts”. For the rest of the society, that encouraged the mentorship stage, pleasing and appetizing names, to weep up sentiment for their failed project, especially when the maidens are left, without the culprits claiming ownership of the product of those escapades; the name “Single mothers” is preferred.
Increasing cases of Promiscuity, indecent exposure, and nudity are by-products of the project the African educationists in collaboration with their western counterparts bestowed on Africa. The aim, which is to indoctrinate, undermine and destroy the African society through warped mentality, nick named sex education and sexual liberation is been achieved, in quantum leap.
The argument that the idea for early attention at protecting the sensitive organs of the maidens were to prevent the eating of the fruit that holds the key to the knowledge of good and bad, does not hold water, especially when we consider that “forbidden fruits taste sweeter”. Unnecessary attention, unsolicited protection, and constant bombardments, right, left and center of the innocently naïve maidens and their male counterparts with amorous languages, behaviours, and deceitful learning concepts; have given rise to a life style that is totally strange to African. The universities, polytechnics, colleges of education and other public places, have become nudity centers and sex galleries, with painful truths that must not be spoke loud.
Considering the number of years, sex education has existed in our clime, it is not surprising that the married are part of the exhibition and parade. According to some of the married women, they are in competition to rescue their homes from the escapades of rampaging maidens. There are among the married ones, the products or graduates of sex education. To all of them, there is pride, esteem and comfort in parading and showcasing what nature has richly and generously endowed them with. Have you also observed, ironically, that some of the women that set out to rescue their home, have ended in the hands of sexually educated male youths?
The internet is awash with disgusting pictures of the onetime budding, industrious, respected, luminous and alluring home builders, the African maidens, showcasing, in an un-dignifying, very irritating and very repulsive manner; the very organs of their dignity.
The use of sex education to destroy the youths of Africa, conforms to the saying “Why take up crime when there are legal ways of being dishonest”. The principle of sowing and reaping reminds us that the seed does not reproduce immediately it is planted. There is always a gap between sowing and reaping. Blaming the maidens and sometimes their male counterparts, will never produce any meaningful result”. “If Conscience does not stop us from doing what we should not do, it as a matter of fact stops us from enjoying it”.

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