Saturday 12 December 2015


As the challenges of early exposure of the African child to sex and sexuality, in the name of sex education unfolds; acts of indecent dressing, indecent exposure, nudity and other shameful acts, steer the society in the face. The adored African lady, noted for her consciousness and consistent efforts, to cover her body always, has suddenly, but gradually degenerated into a mere object of entertainment, sex exhibition, and advertisement of nudity and immorality, appearing perennially and insatiably like one seeking for the opportunity to offer sexual pleasure to anybody that comes across her. Her dressing speaks of nothing but deliberate effort to arouse erotic interest, in a manner that shocks and offends the culture, tradition and values of Africa and her people.

Issues raised in this discourse are not intended to dispute that the patterns as expressed do not play out in many parts of the modern world. My argument is that they are not what anybody will convince me are the elements of human nature. The behaviours as identified are not biologically programmed traits of the African specie of Women. They are the evidence of the African educationists to embrace whatever the western world has embraced. The preference for the African Women and Ladies to appear nude in public is not a result of innate nature of the Africans, but an evolutionary programming, created, adapted and achieved through sexual orientation referred to as “Sex education”.

Before I go further in this discussion, I wish to recognize that Africa, like other territories of the world has at one time or the order witnessed her own share of women who barter their reproductive organs as means of living and access to the resources that life can afford. But as anybody would agree this is not the focus of this discourse.

I was tempted to compare these nude agents, with the manikin, used as teaching aid; and for product display by fashion dealers. To my alter dismay, I observed, just as many people would may have, that the fashion dealers, dignify the manikins, by constantly, ensuring that they are clothed when in use, and in public glare, and when not in use, ensure they are put away.

I became alarmed, indeed very worried when it became clear, that the society that created the opportunity for the acts of obscenity, irresponsibility, and dehumanization, to occur did not have a clue of what to do, as a result is systematically disillusioned, disoriented, dislocated and helpless to resolve the unfolding drama. Hence, my resolution to embark on a mind journey, in search of an answer, for the abysmal performance, that is denting the society’s ego.

The burden of my journey has its root in the saying “Cow wey no get tail na the gods dey drive flies foram” meaning “It is the god’s that drives away flies that flock around a Cow that has no tail”. This is a popular saying among the Igbo speaking people of Nigeria.  I have the belief, and strongly too, that the governing forces of this universe have a way of protecting the ignoramus, who to the best of my mind and knowledge, is at no fault that he/she does not know too much. I hold the view also that the forces of nature equally shun the “arrogant fellow, the over informed and over educated men and women” of today. I say this with due respect.

Long before the introduction of sex education in Nigerian, the now increasing cases of indecent dressing and the show of nudity; if totally nonexistent were not very rampant. The governing forces of the universe protected especially the little girls, who were oblivious of the extended use to which their alluring aspects, “sensitive organs” if you like, can be used at that age. These organs, were left bare; hence there was no curiosity as to what the very essential organs behold.

Today, people are better educated, more informed, and wiser. This much is testified, assumed, claimed and equally believed by most people, day in day out. This is equally supported by assertions in many quarters that the World has witnessed tremendous improvements in almost all facets of human existence. Advocates of this position have attributed such improvements and successes to cutting-edge knowledge. The fact that discussions with men and women of older generation, points to the fact that the world if not destroyed already has significantly deteriorated, do not seem to make much meaning to these category of individuals.

To focus this discussion, I have limited myself to what I perceive as the negative outcome of early exposure of the Nigerian child to sex education. By reason of sex education, people now know a lot as toddlers; they challenge nature when they know too little about it. Consider for example, the fact that before the age of 10, most girls would refuse walking outside with their breasts uncovered. They understand it is more appealing if lipstick is applied, and that a beautiful hair will increase the appeal.

At this age, it is already registered in the minds of the maidens that the urinary organ could serve other useful purpose besides passing urine; hence it must never be kept bare, particularly before the opposite sex. Their counterparts, the boys may innocently be unaware; that is initially, but with the degree of branding and packaging around them, not to talk of the protective mechanisms mounted to keep them off the vital organs, sense of curiosity, attention and devotion begins the mount.

The above, are inculcated, compounded and consummated by the mentorship contraption, the sex orientation road-map, prepared and instilled by the school system for better understanding of sexual activities. The education system has done much to assert authority and defend the inclusion of the sex mentorship programme (sex education) in the curriculum. Unlike, some other subjects in the education curriculum, the purpose of sex education is self-explanatory. It is wholly captured in its name. Basic principles of suggestive programming explains this.

However, those that know the power of branding and packaging and the interplay of these and advertising; and those in showbiz and exhibition, understand better, the combined effects of all these promotional tools on the way and manner that products and services are received and treated in the market. Briefly, the objective, always is to create lasting impression, stimulate public interest and acceptance and ultimately to generate increased demand for products and services.

To be continued

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