Thursday 3 December 2015


The saying “What is now proved was once imagined” best explains the statements by Chief Anthony Chukwuemeka Nzom, FCNA, President/Chairman of Council, Association of National Accountants of Nigeria (ANAN), at an event organised by ANAN leadership, members, management, staff and students of the Nigerian College of Accountancy, Jos, to welcome the delegation from the International Federation of Accountants (IFAC), Global Headquarters, led by, Alta Prinsloo,  on November 30, 2015 at the Nigerian College of Accountancy, Kwall, Near Jos, Plateau State.
Plateau State, is one of the 36 States, in the Country of the happiest people in the world, Nigeria.


President/Chairman of Council, ANAN, Mr. Anthony Chukwuemeka Nzom, FCNA 
 According to the President of ANAN, Mr. Nzom, the visit was significant, being the “First” after ANAN was enlisted as a member of the World body, the International Federation of Accountants, (IFAC).
Continuing with his address, the ANAN President, emphasized also that “the visit was significant because the inspection of the facilities at the Nigerian College of Accountancy, by the apex global Accountancy body is preemptive of better days ahead”. As if to draw this point home, he told the capacity filled hall that the signature of IFAC, symbolizes global recognition. In addition to this he said “flying across the Atlantic Ocean signifies the importance, the global body accorded ANAN and the Nigerian College of Accountancy.
Characteristic, of him, the ANAN President informed the visitors and the mammoth crowd that came to welcome the visitors, that “this visit is just the beginning of a mutually beneficial relationship between our Association and IFAC”. Immediately after this, he said “we also have the unshaken faith that our relationship with IFAC will always bring more progress to the Accountancy Profession”.
The soft spoken ANAN President, Mr. Anthony Chukwuemeka Nzom, a man of many achievements, a goal getter, and very importantly, a man who will never go cup in hand for anything, a man who will never receive if he has nothing to give in return, advanced his address further with a clear and categorical statement saying “since our admission into the membership of IFAC, ANAN has reasoned that the best way to appreciate this achievement is by endeavouring to be a key and better player in driving the process of growth and development in the Accountancy Profession in Nigeria and globally”. Having said this, he reaffirmed his Associations commitment to always do all it takes to advance the Science of Accountancy.
Speaking about the Nigerian College of Accountancy, the President of ANAN informed the audience that “the establishment of this College was conceived and driven by a burning desire to promote the science of Accountancy, thereby giving the Accountancy Profession a deserved pride of place in Nigeria and the globe. It was at this juncture that he stressed the fact that the Nigerian College of Accountancy, Jos is the first of its kind in Africa and second in the World. According to him “The College, has a well-drawn out programme of education and training that is unique in the Accountancy Profession. To buttress this point he said “This alone is a strong pointer to the fact that ANAN is already positioned on a strong pedestal to add unprecedented value to the Profession.
Director General, Nigerian College of Accountancy, Jos, Dr. Joseph Femi Adebisi, FCNA
Speaking on the impact of the Association, he said “This Association has undoubtedly created a lot of impact in the Nigerian economy, brought about innovations and notably a pace setter in some areas”. He, however informed his audience that time cannot permit him to discuss the achievements in details”. This is expected, considering that the event was particularly, to receive the visitors, whose activities starts the following day, when enough time will be available for such elaborate discussions.
Further in the address, Mr. Nzom said “with the establishment of the Nigerian College of Accountancy, Jos, the Association has been able to unleash into the economy better managers of our finances and economy”.

In his opening remarks earlier in the programme, the Registrar and Chief Executive of ANAN, Dr. Sunday Aniogor Ekune, had told the gathering that the visit of the IFAC delegation is a proof that the efforts of ANAN leadership and the College Staff has been in the right direction, and assured all that more will still be done by both the leadership of ANAN and the College to sustain present achievements and as a matter of fact explore new opportunities to ensure that the Accountancy Profession, in Nigeria serves as the instrument of hope and economic emancipation, now and in the future.

The Registrar and Chief Executive, ANAN, Dr, Sunday, Aniogor Ekune (standing)
The leader of the IFAC delegation, Mrs. Alta Prinsloo, Executive Director, Strategy/Chief Operating Officer, IFAC, seized the opportunity provided by the programme planners granting her the opportunity to talk to the audience, to appreciate them, saying she was humbled by their presence and the privilege to address them. Since the day’s programme was not designed for her to present any technical paper, she used the occasion to deliver some pieces of advice, to the students and ANAN members present.
Cross section of Students at the event

As part of her advice, she told the students to “always work hard, stressing that there is no substitute to it”. As if to guard against running into the saying that “one may be too busy doing good to be good’ Alta Prinsloo advised the students to “have time bound objectives and to always remain focused”. Sounds like saying learn to do the right things instead of concentrating energy on doing things right. On the same note, Prinsloo, encouraged the students to “have a foot in the door” a statement she explained as being willing to take a risk.
Having done with the above, Alta Prinsloo told the audience that there are two categories of people on earth. The first category, she said are those who knows everything and the second category are those who knows where to look. The first category according to her, are very rare to find. As for the second category, she disclosed to the crowd that with the right attitude, information and committed efforts anybody could become an ardent devotee of it. To attend greater height, and live a lasting impression in life, she advised her listeners to dream big and never allow anybody to reduce their dream. Without mincing words she told all to strive to make a difference, a condition that is synonymous with dreaming big and attaining worthy goals and posting tremendous results in life. She said “you can be anything” with the right attitude.
 Leader of delegation, Alta Prinsloo, Director Strategy/Chief Operating Officer, IFAC
Speaking on education, she told her listeners that education is a privilege. According to her, the only way to make it useful, is to use it. To use it, she emphasized, must be for good purposes and for the benefit of the society. She stressed, the importance of diversity and in strong terms encouraged all to embrace it and equally to value it as well. She reminded the gathering that the most effective approach to put diversity to work, is to recognize and value the fact that we are different in many ways. It is in respect of this that she advised “when things go wrong, seek reconciliation, learn to say am sorry, endeavor to fix what needs to be fixed that you can, and as for those you can’t fix immediately, seek opportunities and relevant information that will help you to resolve the matter and improve the situation, before long’. Without minding the argument anybody might raise, events in life seem to support the reasoning that “sometimes the best gain is to lose”.
Another cross section of Students at the event
In a manner suggestive of a reminder to her audience that “A lady is a woman who makes a man behave like a gentle man” the IFAC leader of delegation, Alta Prinsloo, called on the women, saying “be a mother, the workforce does not like women who work like men”. To buttress this point, but on a laughter mood, she said “I have two kids, but sometimes feel they’re three”. At this juncture, she paused and asked the crowd, if they understood what she meant? The thunderous, but positive response that the question generated, was indicative that almost everybody present at the gathering, reasoned beyond the surface of the statement and settled for the implied meaning. Capitalizing on this impressive and reasonably supportive response from the audience, and in a manner reminiscent with the saying, that “understanding is the beginning of acceptance”, she then, called on the Men, to help the women. She, emphasized “without the support of my husband, I wouldn’t be here”.  
Like one confronted with the question “what is a person but his reputation” Alta Prinsloo, through her remarks advised her audience to guard their reputation jealously. “express your personal values, I mean identify your values and express them”.  She also urged the students and ANAN members to be ethical in all they do, including in the upbringing of their children.
In conclusion, she told the audience that she has identified her personal values, which expresses at the slightest opportunity. She enumerated her personal values as Respect, Tolerance and Compassion.
A Group photograph of ANAN members and the IFAC delegation 

Photo Credit: 
  • Favour Photos, Jos and
  • MB Photos, Jos 

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