Friday 18 December 2015

CHIEF NZOM AND...Few words Great Impact

College Clinic, Nigerian College of Accountancy

Recently, the delegation from the International Federation of Accountants, "IFAC", global Headquarters, led by Alta Prinsloo, the Federation’s Director of Strategy/Chief Operating Officer, visited the Association of National Accountants of Nigeria "ANAN" for facility inspection at the permanent site of the Nigerian College of Accountancy (NCA), Kwall, in Plateau State, Nigeria.

The visit was unique for some reasons. The Nigerian College of Accountancy, in Kwall, Bassa Local Government Area, Plateau state, is the first of its kind in Africa and the second in the world. The visit came a few months after the Nigerian Nation made Africa proud, by proving to the world that it is not difficult, for an incumbent President and the ruling party of African extraction to hand over power after losing an election. It was also the first time in Nigeria that a former Head of State, was coming back as a democratically elected President after 30 years of ruler ship in a military capacity. It is also pertinent to note that the visit was the first, since the "ANAN" was admitted into membership of the "IFAC". But more, importantly, the visit came at a time the Accountancy Profession in Nigeria, is facing a very big task of re-positioning the Nigerian economy, for greater performance.

ANAN President, Chief Anthony Chukwuemeka Nzom,

In an auspicious and epoch making event, such as the "IFAC" visit, the capacity of office holders are more often than not the subject of scrutiny, especially in terms of comments, speeches and addresses presented by them. It is on the strength of the presentations made at different occasions of the visit, by the "ANAN" President/Chairman of Council, Chief Anthony Chukwuemeka Nzom, the leader of IFAC delegation, Alta Prinsloo and her team member, Vincent Tophoft, that this publication is made.

During the facility inspection, kick started with a visit to the “College Clinic” constructed by "ANAN" at the College permanent site, the President/Chairman of Council, ANAN, Chief Anthony Chukwuemeka Nzom, before the cutting of tape that usually mark the opening of a new building, gave a brief account of what led to the construction of the "College Clinic". Speaking from a passionate heart, as demonstrated by the look on his face, the tone of his voice, and the positioning of his body, the ANAN President informed the audience that “in one of the examinations conducted recently by the Association and the College, eleven women were delivered of eleven babies”.

To every responsible father and husband, and to a very compassionate one like Chief Nzom, the multiple delivery incident was not just one of those incidents of life, but a call to duty. When he came into office on the 30th of April, 2015, as ANAN President, one of the early decisions he took was to lay a foundation for a befitting Clinic at the permanent site of the Nigerian College of Accountancy, at Kwall, Plateau State. This much he told the audience, when he said “that incident had a profound impact on me. Again, considering that thousands of students converge at the College daily, the need to build a befitting structure, with qualified medical team, and fully equipped medical facilities, such that the Association, the College, and indeed the Country and Africa in general will be proud of, also becomes absolutely inevitable”. 
Alta Prinsloo, Director of  Strategies/Chief operation Officer, IFAC, cutting the tape

It was after the brief narrative that Alta Prinsloo, IFAC delegation leader, was invited to cut the tape. The event was witnessed by some Council members of the Association, including the first Vice President Alhaji Shehu Ladan, the second Vice President, Prof Mohammed Mainoma, the Treasurer and former Director General of the College, Prof Benjamin Osisioma, and the Director General of the Nigerian College of Accountancy, Dr. Joseph Femi Adebisi, Management Staff of the College, and other members.

The construction of the “College Clinic” is prove of passion, a mark of leadership and a sign of commitment to duty, considering that Chief Nzom came into office on the last day of April, 2015 and before the end of November, the Clinic was ready for use. This development, as a matter of fact speaks volume. It is indeed an eloquent testimony of " an African entrepreneur", especially when you ruminate over other projects that were completed within the same period.
 Governor Plateau State, Barr. Simon Bako Lalong (Left) and Vincent Hoptoft of IFAC

At another event, this time with the Governor of Plateau State, Barr. Simon Bako Lalong, a member of the IFAC delegation, Vincent Tophoft, Project Head "Accountability Now" before handing over an IFAC document to the Governor, held one of the Governor's hands and said "During the inspection of facilities, at the Nigerian College of Accountancy, I observed one thing that the medical team at the College Clinic did. They held peoples hand, at the edge of the wrist pressed the vane a little. When I inquired why they did that, they told me it was meant to feel the peoples pause. Dear Governor, this is the same thing that Accountants do. They feel the pause of the economy; they analyze it to determine how healthy the economy is; they do this in order to provide the needed advice, always necessary for good governance, efficient public sector reporting and economic development. Just as blood flows through the vane, to sustain the body, money flows through the public sector to sustain the economy”. Having said this, Vincent Tophoft, then asked the Governor, Barr. Simon Lalong "Would you give the Accountants in the State public service, the access to feel the pulse of the public sector, to enable them make the necessary recommendations"? After the Governors response Mr. Tophoft, handed over the IFAC document to him.

Another event was the Banquet organized by the Plateau State Government to honour the visitors, entertain them and equally to showcase a little bit of the wonderful cultural dances and hospitable nature of the good people of Plateau State. The event took place at the Banquet Hall, new Government House, Jos. It was attended by some Government functionaries, Legislators, Statesmen, Party Chieftains, ANAN leadership and members, and Management and Staff of NCA.

Governor Lalong, during his address at the Banquet

The night was full of fun, but the high point of the event was the brief talk presented by the IFAC leader of delegation, Alta Prinsloo.

Immediately she mounted the podium, she cracked a joke, wondered, why the confident one, alluding to the Governor, would speak through the privilege of a support, referring to the Governor's stand, which was removed soon after the Governor spoke. She therefore, noted that she was not offered the same privilege, at least to protect or hide her fidgeting hands from dancing, while speaking. The laughter that greeted this joke, was an indication, at least that everybody was awake and alert, and as a matter of fact, a commitment by the crowd to the worthy business of the day.  

Like her colleague Vincent Tophoft, during the government house visit, Alta Prinsloo, did not waste time on the podium. She thanked the government and the good people of Plateau State for the warm reception. She said “the food, the people, the cultural entertainment, are first class. I have never seen anything like it. I am impressed by what I saw at the Nigerian College of Accountancy, particularly the Clinic. The other facilities, the location of the College, and all that I have met are very wonderful”.
She then briefly, introduced the “Accountability Now” of IFAC. She said “the project is a campaign aimed at enhancing Public Financial Reporting, sound decision and Accountability”.  Continuing, she informed the governor that “Transparency and Accountability require robust financial information”. She reminded the government and the governed that “Government all over the world are entrusted by the citizenry to manage their financial resources in a sensible and cost effective manner”.
 Alta Prinsloo, IFAC, during her speech at the Banquet

Having said that, she pulled out a crest, raised it up and quickly descended from the podium, proceeded to the governor. When she got there, she said “Accountability Now” is a campaign for higher standards in public sector. Its role is to provide the catalyst for change. It challenges governments all over the world to recognize the importance of working towards financial reporting that meets international standards. 

Thereafter, Prinsloo asked the Governor loud and clear, "Are you in?  To this, the Governor responded, in the affirmative, without any hesitation. He went further to assure the team that his government will do everything possible to protect live and property of everybody in the State. He said his administration will protect investors and investments, and also see to it that tourism on the Plateau is at its pick.Thereafter she decorated the Governor, with the Crest.

Gov. Lalong and Prinsloo, after decorating him with the "Accountability Now" Crest

Few words, wonderful delivery, mighty lessons, great impact and lasting impression. This is exactly what happens when great minds speak.

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