Sunday 4 July 2021


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This Picture is not related to the story you're about to read 

After what seemed like eternity, Salome took a deep breath, after which came these words:

“My Mother is no longer interested in my marriage to Michael. But, I won’t allow it go just like that”.  With this conclusion, Salome made up her mind to face her mother squarely, saying “Whatever is responsible for the sudden change in my Mother towards my marriage is worth investigating, especially, when my mother could not discuss it with me”.

Efforts made by Salome for her Mother to tell her the reason for the sudden change in her behaviour to the traditional wedding were rebuffed severally by her Mother. Rather than give up, Salome persisted, telling herself the Mother may be acting in her favour. Come to think of it, is my Mother, not a critical stakeholder in her life? She reasoned. With this feeling, she renewed her efforts to have her Mother sit down with her to discuss whatever was the problem. Unfortunately, her efforts were rebuffed by the Mother. Each step she took, was either visited with vehemence, hash reactions; or a mild and seemingly embracive attitude. 

In one of the occasions that her Mother settled for aspersions, unprintable and unpalatable words, she almost loss her cool, but at the end controlled herself. Beyond her Mother's rant, Salome observed she was being evasive, struggling as much as she could to hide from something. To her the Mother was in fact fighting to control her emotion, working so hard to ensure she did not let the cat out of the bag, unintentionally. This observation strengthened her resolve to continue pushing, without presenting her Mother in a bad light or in any way create an embarrassing scenario.

No matter how well she tried to reason out the entire situation, one thing Salome could not come to terms with, or rationalize, is the inability of her mother to engage her, the daughter to discuss the issue. There is certainly, no reason for this, she told herself. Disturbed, she asked but to nobody in particular, “what could it be that is eating up my Mother? She has remained adamant, unyielding and recalcitrant. A close observer would readily notice that my Mother harbours something that she’s not in the mood to divulge.

Like the first picture this too is not related to the story

Reading her daughter’s determination, unflinching disposition and unwillingness to drop the discussion, without  getting to the root of it, Madam Celina, resorted to making faces, keeping malice, and keeping a distance, aimed at withdrawing from Salome. She even warned her to stay clear of her, feigning weak and wouldn’t want to be disturbed.

Aware of her mother’s change of tactics, Salome said to herself, “this matter has got to the point of no return, where I will never take no for an answer. Wish my mother knows this. I shall continue doing and pursuing whatever is reasonable to find lasting solution to the challenge, before anything happens to my Mother. What if my planned marriage is not the problem?

The fear of losing her Mother, gave Salome the impetus to push and push, determined never to give up, instead to go to any length to have her mother saved and the issue resolved. Suddenly, the mother voiced out, saying something, though incoherently, but that was enough for Salome to cash on to strengthen her position, and putting the mother on a tight corner, thereby forcing her to say to her daughter: let me warn you, my daughter Salome, this shall be the last time you raise this marriage issue. For your information, never you mention anything relating to it, to me again. Stop everything about the wedding arrangements.

Salome could not believe what she heard, though she suspected it. Slumping into the table that separated her and the Mother, she said, so this it. I have always thought that you, my mother is the greatest thing I have. That you will stand with me in my moment of joy. Mother you have not told me anything. Tell me what I want to hear. Go ahead! tell me why you don’t want me to marry. Tell me the evil I have committed. Tell me it is Michael and then go ahead to tell me his sin. Mother I am waiting, my ears are open. Please say something. Your silence is killing, is heart raking, is devastating and...

Suddenly, the mother interjected…  

Story by Nnabugwu Chizoba


The story is still developing



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