Sunday 27 June 2021


Picture is not related to characters in the story

One day a very beautiful, calm and promising young lady, by name Salome, brought home a young, soft spoken dude, and introduced to her Mother as the one she intends to spend the rest of her life with, as her husband. The name of her Mother is Celina, and the young Man is Michael.

Few Days after Michael’s visit, Madam Celina, said to her daughter, “I have scratched my head, searched my mind, yet saw nothing to discourage you from marrying Michael. You have my consent and blessings. On account of this development, the two love birds, counted themselves lucky, and concluded the coast was clear for them to swing into action, with activities necessary to formalize their marriage, having also received approval of Michael’s Father, Mr. Barnabas, for the intending couple to go ahead and seal the Union with the usual exchange of marital rites, and performance of the ceremonies that go with such.

Midway into discussions and preparations leading to the traditional wedding ceremony slated before the Church wedding, Salome began to observe something unusual, but cautioned herself to maintain her cool. As months roll down into weeks, and gradually flattened into days, the unusual signs she observed on her Mother became intense, more discouraging and disturbing. Every remark, countenance and response of the mother to anything about the coming traditional wedding, suggested all was not well.

Since Salome could not pin point exactly what the problem was, she didn’t know the direction to approach it. At a point, the thought that her mother had changed her mind enveloped her, and for obvious reasons created some goose pimples all over her body. Each time this thought hit her, she quickly waved it off, seeing no reason for such. If this is true, she told herself, “why won’t my Mother tell me, especially when we have been the best of friends to one another”. This fact notwithstanding, Salome, was not comfortable. This in no small measure forced her to run very far with her mind. In this state of affairs, she recollected how deep their discussions of the past use to be and how closely they related to resolve issues. She later convinced herself that there was no qualms, at least with the marriage arrangements. If there was, she did not find any reason her Mother would not at least engage her to discuss it, especially, anything that can thwart her marriage with Michael.

Picture is not related to characters in the story

The more Salome tried to convince herself that whatever the issue her mother had, has nothing to do with her marriage to Michael, the more frequent happenings around her suggest otherwise. Again and again, time after time, Salome would go into very deep thoughts:

“What is the matter? 

"Why would my mother change or want to change her mind about my marriage to Michael?

“Is there something I have done to my mother?

“Could it be something that Michael did or is doing behind me? You never know, and you never can say with men. 

"Is anything happening about Michael that my mother is finding hard to relay to me?

“What is it that I don’t know that my mother is hiding or keeping away from me? 

"What could it be that is threatening my marriage that should warrant my mother changing her mind?

After a very long pause, sandwiched by varying degrees of emotion, Salome queried:

“Why would my own confidant, my mother not find me a reliable and dependent partner and companion? 

"Why should I be kept in the dark by my own mother on a matter that concerns me directly? 

"Is she thinking that I know and craftily keeping something away from her? 

"Does she expect me to know everything? 

"Have I presented myself to my mother in a manner that has made her over rate me?

Immediately following the above was some moments of deep somber reflection, after which she said:

“Somebody should help, somebody should intervene and urgently too before I do something nasty.

"Could my Mom or anybody else, for all I care rise up and tell me what I want to hear?

“Is this happening because it is me? 

Have I been too quiet that people, including my mother feel that my emotion doesn’t matter or no longer counts? 

"Could it be that I am not valued as much as I value others”?

Not finding a ready answer to her numerous questions, she went judgmental:

“Truth be told, the world is not fair to me on this matter, I must confess”.

As if she was not comfortable or convinced with her judgment, she added:

“The whole thing is becoming more and more worrisome, yet I don’t have any clue or insight about the whole scenario and as it stands nobody cares to come to my rescue”. 

The story is just beginning... follow us on this Platform for the continuation 

Story by Nnabugwu Chizoba

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